Just for the girls!

We understand that you have great needs growing up in this generation. Abortion,drugs, homosexuality, where can you turn? Are you confused? Perhaps even afraid? We want you to know you have a safe place to come. We also want to help you develop as a leader among your peers. We know how powerful your life can be when God is your focus. Just as Paul encouraged Timothy we also urge you to "Set an example to all believers in faith, life, love, and purity" All to God's glory and your greater good

What can I do to adjust to my father getting remarried?

My dad is getting re-married on the 17th and I do not like her at all. The last few times I was over there he ignored me a lot and his fiancee was really mean to me. Also her 4 year old daughter draws all over my stuff. He does nothing about this. This weekend was supposed to be his and my time together, but I stayed over at my mother's house instead because no one thought it was a good idea for me to go.

I have been stressed out and very short tempered. Not so much with my family though. Just a little with my friends and with a couple of people at school. My faith has gone down also, but I have been praying for it.

Kaydn, Mississippi


Tracie Putnam said...

Dear Kaydn,

Kelley is preparing her response.

In the meantime,Keep praying for an increase of faith. Look for Jesus in your valley, seek Him out, and spend time with Him. He will comfort your heart where noone else can.

Please know, we're all praying for you.

Your Sister &
Girlfriend in Christ,

Kelley, Girlfriends' Mentor said...


Change can be difficult in any situation, especially in those situations that involve family. The difficulty of adjustment can sometimes bring about hurt, and it sounds as if the situation that you are facing has hurt you and even made you a little angry.

There are many ways to handle the emotions that you are feeling. I’m sure that because you are hurt, it feels natural to be angry and to want to act in that anger. To be honest, in one way or another, we all have problems with anger. Sometimes the anger is quiet and we keep it in harboring feelings of resentment for the person or situation that has made us angry. Other times the anger is loud causing us to yell and say hurtful things. The good news is, God speaks about anger and gives us direction for how to deal with it:

Recognizing the sin of anger…
When we are feeling hurt and angry, we have to know that Satan can use those times to damage the relationships that we have with those that we love. I noticed that you made mention that your relationships with your friends and those at school have suffered, and that is an example of the ways that Satan can use our emotions against us. It is important to remember that the relationships that we have should bring honor and glory to God and that can’t happen when we’re angry. To get rid of those feelings, we must confess the sin of anger before God. In 1 John 1:9 the Bible says, “But if we confess our sins to God, He can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.”
Don’t forget…
You don’t have to deal with this on your own. When you are feeling weak and burdened, give the feelings that you have over to God. In 1 Peter 5:6 & 7 the Bible says, “Be humble in the presence of God’s mighty power, and He will honor you when the time comes. God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to Him.”

Jesus, I ask that You be with Kadyn. I ask that You make your presence known during her moments of weakness. Place Your hand upon her and strengthen her faith. I ask that Your love shine through her that she might find ways to mend those relationships that are suffering. Lord, I ask that You put opportunities in Kadyn’s path that she might be able to talk to her father and express how she feels. I also ask that You give Kadyn opportunities that she might reach out to this new addition to her family. Heavenly Father, I ask that you continue to mold Kadyn and use her to spread Your light and Your love to those around her. All of these things I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tammy, Girlfriends Mentor said...

This is one of those times where there is no easy answer and oh, how I wish there was. My parents divorced when I was 15 and I remember how it felt to be forced to conform to the new family dynamics. It’s extremely difficult and equally as painful. What I want you to remember above all else is that God sees you right where you are and this is no surprise to Him. He knows you’re hurting and He knows why you’re hurting. If at all possible, I suggest you try to have a conversation with your father. Let him know ahead of time that it is very important to you that you have his undivided attention. Cover it in prayer and know what you want to say to him. Be careful not to attack his fiancĂ©e but be honest with how and why she makes you feel as you do. Even though you don’t like her, she is the woman he has chosen to marry and so I think it’s important you be as tactful as possible. Also, tell him you feel ignored. Tell him how important your relationship with him is to you and see if the two of you can come up with some ways to make the time you have together quality time; give him some ideas of things you would like to do with him. Don’t give up on him just yet, this is new to him as well. The only way the 2 of you will have a chance to resolve this is to make sure you are grounded in the Truth and be honest with one another. Give each other some room to make some mistakes while you work through this. And by all means, don’t run away from your Heavenly Father. Run as fast as you can to Him. In all of this chaos, He is the only one that has this under control. Trust Him to get you through this very difficult time. Pour out your heart to Him – let him know your hurts, frustrations, and anger. When you do this, it opens up the door for Him to communicate with you and begin working in a very powerful way. I am a very strong advocate of journaling. I find that when I am able to express my innermost feelings in a very honest way, I begin to see things a little more clearly and journaling helps me to do that. You can incorporate that into your quiet time with God and you might just be amazed at how He shows up! As a child of divorced parents, I understand your pain and will continue to pray for you. I promise you will get through this – no matter how dark it seems right now – you will get through this.